"...it is the Cry of the mighty Phoenix; it is the Flame that only burns Blue..." -Nikolai
Published on November 10, 2006 By Sebastyon In DesktopX

First of all, thanks to all you developers and tech junkies in general; your creativity and talent are both admired and appreciated. Keep up the great work.

Here's my question- I recently put Desktop X on my laptop (compq prsario) and it has a
widescreen resolution of 1280x768 *ONLY* . Well, yeah, I couldchange it, but then the display is flakey (as in ugly; not 'chipped') looking, and icons slide off screen; you're familiar with what a pain in the ...er.. 'neck' that can be (did I mention ugly?)

So I really like many of the alternative desktops available for download, but so many are designed for a SPECIFIC rez... and unfortunately not mine. Is there some out there for laptops/widescreen rez? Or maybe a simple way to convert them? Keep in mind, I'm not a designer- (nor imbecilic) so what would you advise someone who is certainly no imbecile but prolly a lot dumber than you?

Thanks for stumbling through my inane babbling. I gotta go drool.

on Nov 10, 2006
You could try using some themes that are 'resolution independent'. My laptop res is 1280x800 and i have found some to work perfectly. Most authors will mention if there creation is resolution independent in the theme description.
on Nov 10, 2006
I "believe" the following are all resolution independent....

Dark Pro
Keepie Ups
Office Extreme
Retro DX
Vista DIY

I know there are others but these are the ones I have installed.
on Nov 12, 2006
Thanks guys; I'll check these out.

Again, keep up the great work!

best wishes
